OSP Weekly Assignments
C. BinKadal --- Sendirian, Berhad.

OS Week 00 Assignment #1: GitHub Account and Repository

This is neither a programming nor a web course. However, assignments will be submitted to GitHub and displayed on GitHub Page.


  • SIGN UP if you do not have a GitHub.com account.
    • More details at https://doit.vlsm.org/029.html
    • Preferably, use all lowercase characters for your GitHub account.
    • Linux accounts are case-sensitive. Fortunately, GitHub accounts are not.
  • Else, SIGN IN at GitHub.com

Create a new Repository (os242)

  • Create GitHub repository “os242”. For “os,” use lowercase (do not use uppercase)! See also cbkadal at https://github.com/cbkadal/os242/.
    • But always REMEMBER, you are not “cbkadal”!
    • Always replace “cbkadal” with your own GitHub account.
  • The repository naming is:
    • “os242” for the year 2024-2 (odd semester 2024/2025),
    • “os251” for the year 2025-1 (even semester 2024/2025),
    • “os252” for the year 2025-2 (odd semester 2025/2026),
    • “os261” for the year 2026-1 (even semester 2025/2026),
    • “os262” for the year 2026-2 (odd semester 2026/2027),
    • etc.
  • Visit https://doit.vlsm.org/030.html for an example of creating the os232 repository.

Default Branch: main or master?

  • More details at https://doit.vlsm.org/030.html#idx07
  • The current GitHub DEFAULT Branch is “main.”
    • In the past, the default branch was “master.”
    • To be “politically correct,” GitHub has changed the default branch name from ”master” to ”main.”
    • Many past examples here have been using the “master” branch name.
    • Therefore – to be consistent – the “master” branch name will continue to be used.
    • Feel free to use either “main” or “master.” However, DO NOT alter your branch name once it has been chosen.
    • To change the default branch name, click “settings.”

© 2024-2024 --- C. BinKadal --- Revision: 0056---24-Jul-2024.