OSP Weekly Assignments
C. BinKadal --- Sendirian, Berhad.

OS Week 00 Assignment #3: Create Your GitHub Page

  • Do GSGS (Google Here, There, and Everywhere)
  • Find out how to create your GitHub Page! E.g. “cbkadal” (Cicak Bin Kadal).
  • Keep your GitHub Page simple!
    • Your repo size should be less than 1 M bytes.
    • Do not apply any Jekyll theme.
    • Any image size should be less than 50 Kbytes.
    • No external CSS and fonts.
    • Google Analytics is allowed.
    • Avoid Too Much Information! Do not disclose anything you do not want to tell (e.g., your name, student ID, address, etc.) !!
  • But always REMEMBER, you are not “cbkadal”! Always replace “cbkadal” with your own GitHub account.

© 2024-2024 --- C. BinKadal --- Revision: 0056---24-Jul-2024.