OSP Weekly Assignments
C. BinKadal --- Sendirian, Berhad.

OS Week 01 Assignment #4: Finishing

  • Update your “links.md” file. For e.g., see cbkadal’s https://cbkadal.github.io/os242/LINKS/
  • Create a new file “TXT/myupdate.txt” inside your “os242” repository.
    • Upto 24 hours after the Week 01 deadline, the content of “myupdate.txt” should be:
      • When submitting the weekly assignments, the content of “TXT/myupdate.txt” should match the week of the assignment. I.E., OS242W01 for WEEK01, OS242W02 for WEEK02, and beyond. Without a proper “TXT/myupdate.txt,” your assignment grade will be significantly reduced.
    • For e.g., see cbkadal’s https://cbkadal.github.io/os242/TXT/myupdate.txt
  • Update “mylog.txt”. For e.g., see cbkadal’s https://cbkadal.github.io/os242/TXT/mylog.txt

© 2024-2024 --- C. BinKadal --- Revision: 0056---24-Jul-2024.