OSP Weekly Assignments
C. BinKadal --- Sendirian, Berhad.

SP Week 02 Assignment #2: Linux From Scratch 12.0 Ch. 1-5

Preparation (IMPORTANT!)

  • You need an extra 32GB disk. See here.

Follow “The Linux From Scratch version 12.0 Book” chapter 1-5

Take Note: SKIP Ch 2.4, 2.5, 2.7

Because “/mnt/lfs/” already exists!

Take Note: DO NOT SKIP Ch 2.6, 3.1 (ROOT)

These are ALL SCRIPTS of chapter 3.1. Make sure no ERRORS!

  • See also os1:///home/zzyLFS/
if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]] ; then
echo "============================================"
echo "LFS should be /mnt/lfs AND MAKEFLAGS = cores"
echo "============================================"
sleep 3
mkdir -pv $LFS/sources/
chmod -v  a+wt $LFS/sources/
cd        $LFS/sources/
wget -c   https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/12.0/wget-list-sysv --directory-prefix=$LFS/sources
wget -c   --input-file=$LFS/sources/wget-list-sysv --directory-prefix=$LFS/sources
wget -c   https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/12.0/md5sums --directory-prefix=$LFS/sources
md5sum -c md5sums
chown root:root $LFS/sources/*
echo "=== === === === ERROR: ROOT ONLY === === === ERROR ==="
echo "=== === === === ERROR: ROOT ONLY === === === ERROR ==="
echo "=== === === === ERROR: ROOT ONLY === === === ERROR ==="

Make sure files “wget-list-sysv” and “md5sums” are in $LFS/sources/

ls -al $LFS/sources/{md5sums,wget-list-sysv}
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5130 Sep  1 23:00 /mnt/lfs/sources/md5sums
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5932 Sep  1 23:00 /mnt/lfs/sources/wget-list-sysv

  • Download locations may not always be accessible. If unsuccessful, try:
    (source mirror1) (source mirror2) (source mirror3)
    • See also os1:///home/zzyLFS/
  • Make sure you have three accounts:
    • your own account (e.g. cbkadal but you are not cbkadal!)
    • root account
    • lfs account
  • Make sure when to use:
    • your own account (e.g. “cbkadal”)
    • root account
    • lfs account
  • Check your “LFS”, “ARCH”, “NPROC”, and “MAKEFLAGS” environment for all accounts (e.g. “cbkadal”, “root”, “lfs”).
echo "LFS=\"$LFS $(df $LFS|tail -1|awk '{print $1,int($2/1000000)"G"}')\" ARCH $(arch) NPROC=$(nproc) MAKEFLAGS=$MAKEFLAGS"

Binutils-2.41 - Pass 1: Standard Build Unit (SBU)

Chapter 5.2.1. Installation of Cross Binutils (lfs)

mkdir -v build
cd       build
time { ../configure --prefix=$LFS/tools \
             --with-sysroot=$LFS \
             --target=$LFS_TGT   \
             --disable-nls       \
             --enable-gprofng=no \
             --disable-werror    && make && make install; }

Generate LFS Chapters 1-5 Report

Last, after finishing chapter 5, run (cbkadal):

cd $HOME/myspwork/WEEK02/
bash 02-SP-WEEK02a.sh



ls -al

© 2024-2024 --- C. BinKadal --- Revision: Sun 06 Oct 2024 22:00.